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 Media and Press Articles on I.P.HERCULES
Media and Press Articles on I.P.HERCULES
Date Source Authors Title File
14-10-2011 European Commission / Research & Innovation / Transport - Staying ahead of the wave – Towards greener, safer, and more competitive waterborne transportation
01-10-2007 A Herculean task Clare Nicholls The Naval Architect - Marine Power & Propulsion Supplement
11-09-2007 Lloyds List - Diesel team's Herculean project ends
01-09-2007 "Twentyfour7" - Wartsila Stakeholder Magazine Marjatta Pietila The Labours of HERCULES
01-09-2007 Marine Propulsion Doug Woodyard Anti-pollution pillars of HERCULES
01-09-2007 Marine Propulsion - Meeting the next NOx emissions challenges
14-09-2007 European Community Research & Development Information Service (CORDIS) - Herculean project develops extreme engines
01-06-2007 ShippingWorld & Shipbuilder David Tinsley Racking up engine performance
23-04-2007 Ec. Research Information Centre - Success Stories: Shaping the future of shipping
04-04-2007 Euronews TV Network Denis Loktev Futuris Series: Shaping the future of shipping
31-01-2007 Shipping World & Shipbuilder David Tinsley Intertwined Targets
01-11-2006 MER (MARINE ENGINEERS REVIEW) Edwin Lampert A HERCULEAN undertaking
21-12-2005 BBC web-site Tracey Logan Technology to make ships green
01-11-2005 Schiff & Hafen N. Kyrtatos The HERCULES Project
01-11-2005 Schiff & Hafen P. Eilts Economical marine engines with low emissions for the future - work carried out at MAN B&W within the scope of the HERCULES Project
01-09-2005 Shipping World & Shipbuilder David Tinsley Environment provides R&D spur
10-12-2004 BFE (Bundesamts fur Energie) Kai Herrmann HERCULES Advanced Combustion Concepts Test Facility: Spray/Combustion Chamber
19-11-2004 TEKES (Public funding organisation) TEKES Sustainable surface transport
01-09-2004 Shipping World & Shipbuilder David Tinsley Renewed focus on emissions technology
01-09-2004 Shipping World & Shipbuilder David Tinsley Collaborative R&D shapes maritime future
01-07-2004 MER (MARINE ENGINEERS REVIEW) David Tinsley Taking the LEAD in EU RESEARCH Hercules project
30-05-2004 FinnFacts (Finnish Industry Focus) FinnFacts WARTSILA REDUCES SMOKE EMISSIONS
05-05-2004 The logistics Centre of Southwest Finland Lloyd's List Europe: Hercules project plans lower emissions
01-02-2004 WALLENIUS MARINE AB Per Croner Wallenius Marine's Environmental Policy
18-07-2003 Lloyd's List Lloyd's List European-backed research aims for cleaner emissions from ships' engines
15-07-2003 Cordis Christos Tokamanis Cordis News Article on FP6 Instruments
01-07-2003 Lloyd's List David Tinsley Brussels backs the labour of Hercules to cut marine engine pollutants
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