about Hercules
Workpackage 1: Extreme design parameters
Workpackage 2: Advanced Combustion Concepts
Task 2.1
Task 2.2
Workpackage 3: Multistage/Intelligent turbocharging
Workpackage 4: Turbocompound engine/hot engine
Workpackage 6: Emission reduction methods (internal-water)
Workpackage 7: Emission reduction methods (Internal-EGR)
Workpackage 8: Emissions aftertreatment
Workpackage 9: Reduced friction engine
Workpackage 11: Adaptive engine
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Task 2.1: Combustion process simulation
The goal of this task is to develop and test new combustion technologies assisted by advanced combustion models in order to achive ultra low emission processes. A novel spray � combustion chamber will be designed. Advanced models for fuel spray and mixing, combustion and emissions will be developed. Validation tests for the new spray � combustion chamber will be performed, as well as, verification, via experimental data, for the combustion models developed.

Task Progress Highlights September 2004
Task Progress Highlights March 2005
Task Progress Highlights September 2005
Task Progress Highlights March 2006
Task Progress Highlights October 2006
Task Progress Highlights March 2007
Task Progress Highlights September 2007


Task Leader: German Weisser
Partners: Abo Akademi University
ETH Zuerich
Helsinki University of Technology
National Technical University of Athens / LME
Paul Scherrer Institut
Wartsila Corporation
Wartsila Schweiz AG

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